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ASHRM Identifies its Strengths and Strategic Opportunities

The American Society for Healthcare Risk Management’s (ASHRM’s) Board of Directors needed some concrete data to drive its three-year strategic planning process. Specifically, the Board wanted to determine its members’ current and future professional development needs and develop an overall profile of its membership base. It also wanted to hear member views on the direction of the healthcare risk management and regulatory environment.

ORF worked closely with ASHRM’s Board, management team and members to identify what questions needed to be asked. Then, ORF developed and conducted an original, web-based survey to collect the information from members.

ASHRM has conducted the survey for the past three years. The surveys’ response rates have allowed the Board to generalize the results to its entire membership. The survey results have clearly communicated members’ needs and views, and have defined ASHRM’s key strengths and areas of strategic opportunity. ASHRM has successfully integrated the findings into its planning process and member communications. In addition, ASHRM has developed a closer relationship with its members based on the survey findings.

©2007 Organizational Research Forum Inc.


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